Hi there! Welcome to my web page!
Before talking about Marketing, let me tell you a little bit about how everything started (okay, trying to be brief here).
I’ve always been a curious person who liked many different things at the same time: dancing, technology, arts, photography (and the list is endless). When I had to decide what I would be doing professionally for my entire life, I tried to pick one career that would allow me to stay in contact with many of my interests. And that’s how Journalism came into my life.
My first job, though, was in the Marketing department of an oil and gas organization, and my initial role was to manage all the content (web, press, collateral, etc.), as there were other people to manage Marketing itself. But I’m curious, right? And obviously, I wanted to be involved with the rest of the team and learn as much as I could from them. They were always needing a hand as the volume of work was crazy, and that’s how I got more involved with the whole Marketing world. And I fell in love with it! After getting my Journalism degree, I immediately pursued an MBA in Marketing to get the academic background for everything I was learning on the job. And becoming more involved was just a matter of time…
As a curious person (and a Gemini, for those who are into astrology), I was lucky enough to have diversified experiences throughout my career—from PR and events to digital and customer relationship management—that allowed me to always see the full picture of Marketing strategies and how they affect and interact with each area of an organization. Along the path, I met some fantastic people, in every corner of this world, who were crucial for my development, and I was able to learn about many different industries, such as energy, law firms, financial institutions, startups, SaaS, and even a little bit of CPG.
Now, with almost 20 years of experience in Marketing and Communications, a solid academic background—including Marketing, Digital Marketing, a Master of Business Administration, and an ongoing PhD in Economics—and having worked mostly with international companies, I would like to share a little bit of what I’ve learned during the journey so far. Hopefully, I will still have a lot to learn and to evolve, as keeping my brain active and out of its comfort zone is crucial for me. But I also have a passion for sharing and inspiring people—a debt that I have with my former undergrad students back in Brazil when I decided to move to Canada, and now, to Spain.
This blog is just a way that I found to spread the word about something that I love doing—and this includes writing, as I will always be a Journalist (<3). Additionally—and because it’s very hard for me to stick to just one topic and I don’t want to manage 500 websites—I’ll be sharing some thoughts around other aspects of my life, such as leadership and management (including self-management, a topic that I’m passionate about), a bit about my journeys both as a Digital Nomad and as a PhD candidate, as well as links to my other two blogs: one for random articles (remember, I’m a former journalist and I love writing), and a Flamenco website which is going under a revamp now.
I really hope you like what you find on these pages, and if you don’t, tell me what and why! I love an inspiring conversation motivated by different perspectives and points of view.
And, lastly, if you want to keep in touch, just add me on LinkedIn!